1. I am a morning person. It doesn’t matter if I went to bed at 3am, I get up no later than 6am.
2. I met my current (#2) wife in an adult chat room back in 98. We were married 5 months later. Nine years this month.
3. I make fun of Catholic School, but considering I was an evil wicked child (according to them), I guess I belonged there.
4. I look at a woman’s eyes first. No kidding, and not the ones hidden under a bra LOL.
5. Kids that fail high school should be given an alternate “underachieving students” life style test in iPod down loading, ripping music from at least TWO web sites, posting a You-Tube video, downloading three different cell phone ring tones and saying “Do you want extra thick, thin or crispy pizza dough” ten times in at least two languages. If they pass, let them out, there are plenty of jobs we need filled by them.
6. I like to eat food one item at a time. I get self conscience when I am out in public, and I have to force myself to eat a bit of this, then that, then the third item. What if I get full before I finish the best thing first? LOL
7. I wish I had told my parents more that I appreciated what they did for me.
8. I like people that are self confident more than I like just looks alone.
# posted by LarryLilly @ 10:53 AM